Weighing the options - Noel's story

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In this last video you will participate in a visit between Noel and Gary, a fellow that Noel met recently at an arthritis support group meeting. Noel is a 35-year old artist who is married and is ready to start a family with his wife, Emma. He has had rheumatoid arthritis for more than two years and has had good success with Methotrexate. Gary is more recently diagnosed and wants some advice from Noel as he is deciding whether Methotrexate is right for him.

Methotrexate and weighing the options 

Gary, for whom everything about arthritis is new, has learned from Noel that:

  1. Methotrexate is one of the most effective medications for rheumatoid arthritis, but there are other DMARD medications that are available.
  2. The current recommendation for both men and women is to stop taking Methotrexate at least three months before trying to have a child.
  3. Finally, no matter what medical treatment you are on, regular exercise, eating healthy, and managing your stress are useful ways for managing rheumatoid arthritis.

Noel's story 

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