Animated Stories

You are about to see 6 video clips, each is about 4 to 8 minutes long. Like you, the main characters in these videos are considering if Methotrexate is right for them. In the videos you will learn about their experience with Rheumatoid Arthritis, the benefits and possible side effects of Methotrexate and how it might affect their everyday life.

We recommend that you watch the videos in the order they are presented; this will ensure that you do not miss out on any important information that may affect your decision. You can also watch the videos as many times as you like.

After watching the video clips, you will be asked some questions. These questions will help identify your thoughts and feelings about taking Methotrexate and will help you consider if you have all the information for making a decision. Your answers will appear on a one-page summary, which you can print at the end of the program and discuss with your doctor at your next visit.

The ANSWER program is developed through a research grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. For more information please visit the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada's website at

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